Wednesday, June 10, 2009

On Racism

I'm not trying to get hits here, nor am I trying to be a smartypants by asking a question that many would like to just shy away from and avoid. The first place I look, whenever I try to find stuff is Wikipedia, and they had linked to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, which defines racism as:
1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

2 : racial prejudice or discrimination

Now my question is this: If someone belonging to a certain race (let's say a Frenchman) says that his own race is somehow inferior and that all the ill traits and problems of his society are due to his race, does that make him a racist? I'm not pointing fingers or hinting or anything, the kiddo just wants to know, there's only so much that a Wikipedia article has and this just wasn't there... :)


  1. No. If that frenchman tries to make french is superior..then only he falls into the category - racist.

  2. I think racism is particularly when you think your race is superior.
    That frenchman just has an inferiority complex. :/

  3. ^^ ditto..

    It's gotta do with superiority complex that goes as far as discrimination, thinking they are the superior race.. so they have the 'right' to do as they please with anyone else who doesn't belong to their race.. like how all those aliens feel all high and mighty when they invade Earth, in most sci-fi.. lol

    And yeah, your example points to inferiority complex, but then again, I think that's another form of racism cuz my Pocket Oxford Dictionary also states that "racism = antagonism towards other races", which is likely caused by an inferiority complex over ones own race. Don't you think?

    BTW are all your exams over by now for you to be pondering about such complex matters? =D

  4. Kirigalpoththa, Maks and Harumi: I understand the point that you're trying to make, but don't you think that would make the Frenchman just a racial supremacist? (Like the KKK, which believed that Whites were superior to Blacks)

    Now, "a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities" - This is a belief that I believe neither you guys or I have, coz we're not racists. But if someone brings one's race into any argument and says "X race people are always so-and-so" doesn't that make him a racist, no matter what his race is?

    Anyways, mind boggling stuff, thank you for your comments guys! :D

    and Harumi, almost done! :D Yesterday's paper was pretty good, I think! :S I'll be a free man by next Tuesday! Yay! ;D

    Piss: and you sir, are a homophobe!

  5. A point to ponder. It got me thinking anyway.

    If you're into into engineering, self-judging is a kind of like a feedback loop. It lets you control yourself more efficiently.

    Discriminating yourself is perhaps the first step in identifying and giving solutions to your problems. It's a scary process, and most people don't have the guts to do it themselves. But the more you avoid reality, the stupider you look.

  6. Me: Thank you for your comment! :) I agree that society judging itself and correcting its mistakes is a good thing, and as you've mentioned, something that a lot of people avoid, which feeds an endless cycle of society getting worse and people sweeping problems under-the-carpet, something we Sri Lankans are all too familiar with...

    You got me thinking, and I guess self-discrimination isn't as bad as I first thought... :)

  7. Thanks for mentioning KKK, I didn't know about their existence till now! =D oh and I think they're total psychos.. than racists.. O_O

    Yep, in that sense the Frenchman might wanna believe their race is the best and in turn it may lead to supremacy as well.. BTW watch the videos here for a classic example of discrimination caused by a teacher as a practical lesson, and it might give you the solution you want. ^__^

    oh and greatta hear you did well.. keep it up! ^__^

  8. Yes, I get your point... the KKK was one of the most dangerous, along with neo-Nazis and such... Thanks for your comment! :)

  9. --Off topic--

    LOVING the new theme Chavie! How you been?!

  10. I'd say yes.

    On not quite a related but... read How to Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee

  11. @GG - Yay!!! :D I've been good, shape eke... ;)

    @MoM - I should I should... a friend of mine has been insisting that I read it... not much of a reader though... hehe ;)
