Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Morning After

I look around as I enter Uni. Everywhere I look, people have their sad face on. Hushed discussions between like-minded folk in the canteen speak of various ways in which the election was rigged. Non offer any solid evidence, but they seem convinced, and sad. The Colombo middle class, the UNP's most bankable vote block, has once again been disappointed. There seems to be a silent consensus that we're indeed doomed to 8 (or 6, depending on who you ask) more years of the same corruption and nepotism.

Election night, I was at a friend's OMGWTFBBQ-night. Most of the guys there were leaving the country for higher education in the next month or so. The firm belief that the opposition candidate was going to win evaporated (like the food on the table, earlier in the night) as the results came in, one defeat at a time. My friends were sure glad that they were escaping the hell-hole well before the storm strikes. I on the other hand, thought about what Cerno said, and focused my attention on watching 'Sherlock Holmes' projected onto the wall instead. But it sure sucks being a UNPer these days... these Royalists are like, inherently bad at running it, nuh? ;)


  1. It's like a friend of mine said malla, we need a stronger opposition for the people to put their faith on.. and that wont happen for many years to come. I firmly believe the majority of this country voted for MR.

  2. I too trying to think like Cerno.. :)

  3. BTW you changed the theme ?

    Simple and cool design! Like the copyrights licence plate too :)

  4. Hish - yep, sadly. vut tu du, eh? :D

    Kirigalpoththa - Things haven't been as bad as I expected! hopefully the trend continues... :)

    Yep, went back to green and white! :D

  5. hmm.. yeah i heard. but like sum other blogger said (i cant recall who), sri lankans will survive no matter what or who wins. you guys have an inner ability to make the best of unhappy situations. so, hang in there, yeah?

  6. Loshini - I think you're must've read Cerno's post too... and he's right. In the past 40 years Sri Lankans has been through a lot of violence, bloodshed, suicide-bombings, two insurrections and four wars. And through it all, we've maintained a pretty normal day-to-day life. I think it's Sri Lankan nature to not take anything too seriously... except obviously Cricket! lol :D

    Thanks for the comment! :)

  7. Yeah people will get over it eventually and they'll realize it's just business as usual.

  8. What to expect from a parippu school?

  9. its a shame men.. such an awesome country such nice ppl! and we just HAD to end up with the stupidest leaders EVER!

  10. Hmm. Proper Royalists had their “well-rounded” education at Libery College and Majestic College as weel. I don't think RW “pink lips” ever bunked school, he is a bloody disgrace alright! LOL.

  11. Foxy - yep, resilient breed, us islanders... :D

    Sigma - I'm sure Serendib would disagree! lol :D

    Lonely Isis - Tell me about it man! :(

    Serendib - uh huh... that bit was a joke okai? :D But the buggers a disgrace to the entire country, his party, his school etc. One of those eternal batsmen who don't let other kids bat! ;) lol

  12. down with royalists!!! (ok i just said that to get a rise outta ya)

  13. Hahahahaha @Serendib Isle's comment. Man
