Friday, November 6, 2009


Err, this exam I sat for about a week ago had a section based on cryptography... it was easy to crack, basically the order of the alphabet had been advanced by 2 or 3 letters (?) so that A became C and B became D and C became E and so on... so ACE would be spelt CEG... I dunno about the other guys, but me being the geek that I am had fun with that part! Too bad I could only complete 40-odd out of the total of 50 within the one hour time limit! ;) lol

Anyway, I've been using ciphers for a long time... this one is particularly easy to crack for anyone with basic knowledge of the Greek alphabet... except moi! I can't decipher most of the stuff I write down in this, and recently burned a diary that was entirely written in this code because I was convinced that anyone but the intended reader (me) could read it... :/ funny noh?

A thousand apologies for murdering the Queens of England, Greece, and any others due to this! lol ;)

p.s. check out today's xkcd! I think it's brilliant! :D


  1. Ahuh... Yeah, I'm kinda tied up right now *ahem* so, I'll get around to trying to decipher it as soon as I'm er... done with this... =P

  2. haha it's my words-cannot-describe-how-terrible-it-is handwriting no? :( hahaha ;D

  3. Cryptography sounds like fun. :D
    & Wow! at the picture. Am sure other than zee intended reader noone would have comprehended what u wrote on ur diary. :P

  4. oh, it is! ;) unless of course you're tasked with actually having to decrypt enemy communication or something... then it gets kinda problematic! :D lol

    hahahah That's because of the handwriting! If I had just typed this out all you would've needed is the symbol font that comes with windows to decipher it! ;)

    btw, I love your new avatar! Very rainbow-y! :D

  5. I was just gonna say it - but you beat me to it. Using symbols font is a good beginning.

    With computers, things become a lot more fun when you mix up fonts - like typing the message in Sinhala and saving in a foreign font. Some languages have a few different non-unicode keyboard layouts (Sinhala, Russian..) and you could mix things up easily!

    By the way, when you know a few foreign languages, no one will ever be able to decode what you write...


  6. this reminded of the Da Vinci Code...and can I use the same excuse as the Puppeteer ;o)

  7. Serendib - howdy! :D

    I agree! It would be easy to type something out in Sinhala and assign different symbols for the letters! But of course all these ciphers have a fundamental weakness in frequency analysis... the obvious answer would be to use less studied languages (or undocumented ones like Navajo - seen in the movie Windtalkers)... but with computers nowadays one could simply use RSA! ;D

    Sue - oooh I tried learning Da Vinci's mirror writing system but it was a failure! :D and lol yeah sure thing! ;)

  8. Interesting..Who is this Shakespere using modern terms like 'lol'? ;)

    Cipher messages are very advance with the advent of digital communication. Almost all the digital communication we use today use highly sophisticated ciphering. The commonly known CDMA phones, use ciphering as the main mode of differentiating one conversation channel to another. (Multiple Access Method)

  9. K - haha he'd be rolling in his grave imagining the stuff we've used his name for! ;D

    Yep you're right... most uses of computers for communication and commerce would be unthinkable without strong cryptography... :D

  10. Wow...You are BRILLIANT ! .... My husband is like that too... obssessed with this sorta stuff ! Me... I like Suduko and am pretty good at the advanced version...does that come even close to this in diffculty level?

  11. I wudnt mind getting down to cyphering this.. but im kinda lost on the greek part.. :D

  12. Nat - hehe I assure you I'm not! ;D Sudoku! I keep hearing about it but I've never really tried it out! I bet it's much more difficult than coming up with a simple substitution cipher though! ;) lol :D

    Lost Soul - haha actually all I've done is substitute the Latin characters with their Greek counterparts and leave the whole thing as it is! A very weak cipher actually... ;)
