Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Call me names, call me what you will...

... but I did the right thing, not the easy thing, and quit twitter and facebook. I think I'll be back, I really do think twitter is the way of the future, but right now my time will be better spent on my studies. As they say in that old poem, knowledge is the only treasure that one can have, that neither kings nor floods nor thieves can take away from you. After my exams finish on June 16th, we'll see what we can do... :)

Before I leave, I wanted to thank all the people who made every moment of twitter enjoyable and fun and addictive. Thanks Pseudorandom, Papare Boy, Dili, Vileness, Pavithri, Tulie, Meg, Dinidu, St. Fallen, Charm, Maks, Sabby, Deece, Hisham, LadyD, Whack, Jerry & Gehan (wink wink) and everyone else I've forgotten (feel free to throw shoes at me in the comments section!) ;)

And whoever's pretending to be you-know-who (yes, I hate to destroy Voldy's name like this too, but wut tu duu?) on twitter is doing quite a job! I think you're impressions of him are flawless man! :D

And yes, this will also be the last post I'll be writing for a while, coz there's no way I'm going to stop this online procrastination if I don't stop blogging. But since I spend waaaay more time reading blogs than writing anything, I'm going to sadly have to stop that too... I'm going to miss reading him, him, him and him the most (well the rest of you too, but I've already linked no? hehe) :) But my google reader will be saving up your posts for later, so no worries, I'll probably have a blog-reading-orgy sometime in late June ;) muhahaha

So forgive me for my sins, my disappearing blogposts and my crappy writing, my lame jokes and my constant LTPness (wink @PR) and no, I won't be secretly blogging under the names "gonbetta" or "halmassa" or anything like that for the next 1½ months! what made you think that??? :P :)

Goodbye guys,
I loved every moment I spent on twitter! Thank you for making it that way! :)

K this is it, wish me luck guys! :D

Oh, and the baby squirrels want me to say "ting ting" to everyone for them! ;)


  1. Good Luck Kiddo. Study well and see u post mid June :)

  2. Allll the very best LTP ;) Go ace those exams and we'll see you on the other side!


  3. Will miss your posts for a few weeks..
    Study hard and Wish you good luck!!

  4. Awww, I'm so proud of you. :P

    And you shall be sorely missed!
    Mwah! (:

  5. you've made the right decision, I tell u. hhee. Good luck!!! Study hard and see u soon :)

  6. You've made the right decision - Make a clean break of it and hit the books. Don't be tempted to come back for one more peep!


  7. Aww..=D.
    Studddyyyyy hard to kick ass. Gooood luck!

    Lingerie will miss you! & the sniffing too. ;D.

  8. Good Luck dude..... Kick proper ass ok? and say tingting to the squirrels from moi

  9. all the best! was lovely having you around.. get back when you're done k..:)

    take care.

  10. Thanks everyone! :) I just came around to see how everyone was doing and to lock up the comments! :D (I've noticed that the trolls seem to be back... uh oh! lol)

    Some stuff have changed since I last posted, but it's all nothing compared to the biggest thing that happened... The babies died! I was all alone looking after them and they just got sick and died, the little one on the night of May 1st and the big one between 10-11 on May 3rd (I was holding onto him, keeping him in my hand hoping he'd get better...) Everyone around here is shocked, my mom most of all... (She insists that it was the powdered milk we fed them... turns out it's not too good for them)

    Ok, I'm going to log off now, I made some changes to the template with some CSS that I used in my computer project and was hacking around with afterwards... ;) aaaaand the profile pic... hmmm, bah! I wasted time doing that! :S

    Ok, logging off for real now! Baaaaaaaaaaaiii! :D

  11. Wah @ baby death. :(

    And hey, since the cats were sent to a new home, I've been thinking about adopting a squirrel meself.
    Where do I get a relatively tame one?
    Pet store?
    Gimme the 101 when you get back!

  12. Hey Maks! Thanks for the comment...

    I didn't know you had cats! :S and whyyyyy were they sent to a new home? :S :S :S anyways, I think *some* petstores have squirrels, but most of them are big ones, so they won't hang around if you let them out of the cage... I dunno Maks, squirrels don't seem an attractive pet option to me anymore... :/ but anyways, how about one of 'em fingermonkeys ah? :D :D do you have to like import them from Brazil or something? O.o

  13. and yes, I'm supposed to be studying... *sigh* :(

  14. I think getting a Fingermonkey requires some illegal smuggling and bribing Nat Geo or something.. >.>

    So yeah. SQUIRREL.
    I fed a squirrel Sprite with my straw in Hikka, and then I thought, yes I must have a squirrel and I shall name him Mister Chubchubs.

    Where'd you get yours from?
    Also, does their poo smell toxic? Cuz that's why we had to send the cats. :(


  15. O.O kay... :S

    hahahaha maaan, you know that you've probably given that little fellow diabetes and a bad calcium deficiency? (yea, soda supposedly does that to you... didn't know myself till recently!) I got mine from my grandpa, they had their nest in a box on top of a cupboard, their mom got eaten by a cat (suspect has not been arrested yet...) and they fell out of the nest coz they were starving and tried to find their mom... poor things. and well they were still being bottle fed so the smell of milk going bad (you know that really icky smell?) overpowered the smell of poo (if the poo had a smell, that is... :S )

    and would fancy seeing you going for the 'pirate-y look' with a talking parrot (who talks like you... yikes!) and all... ;) ;) ;)

    yes, GOING!



  16. That's one of the hardest things about having squirrels for pets, they have too many predators and they seem to die easily.

    But they sure bring a lot of joy while alive. They are such frisky and friendly little creatures.

    Really sorry about your loss, it would be easier not to get attached, but it's really hard with those little fellas,they just worm their way into your heart don't they?

    AND also hope you manage to pass - considering you don't seem to spend too much time studying :)

    Looking forward to seeing you back on twitter and the blogsphere - AFTER your exams!!!

  17. GG - Haha will do will do! :D I checked out twitter sometime back, looking good in that display pic girl! :D

    Tules - They are, they are... I can still remember how they used to play in my palm, they loved cuddling up in my fingers... and they look super cute when they're sleeping... :( wut tu du...

    and yes, I never spend that much time studying anyway... the real tests are coming up in June, getting ready for the computer exams these days, hence long boring hours spend behind the old keyboard... :) this isn't improving my eyesight by any chance... lol :D

    looking forward eagerly to the post-exam-twitter-season! hehe :D

  18. You better. Cause Ive got the AK47 in hand already!
    -Locates target-
    -Chavie's head-

    O...=D. Hehe. Thankies men!

  19. *GG's haphazard AK-47 burst misses Chavie's head*

    *Chavie Picks up M4 and throws a few rounds at GG*

    *Computer says "HEADSHOT"* ;D hehe

    anyways, how come my blogroll reckons that your blog is V. V. Ganeshananthan's site? :S weird this blogger I tell ya! :D

  20. They were good! Thank you Megs... :)

  21. All these people are on Twitter?! And I'm still not on the bandwagon?! :S

  22. Yes they are Scrump! :D But on a serious note, it's very very addictive! Don't tell me I didn't warn ya! ;)
