Thursday, August 27, 2009

ABC tag

Ok, I didn't plan to write another post so quick but was pleasantly surprised that Harumi had decided to tagged me... thanks Harumi! :)

The Tag

1. A – Available/Single? are they both the same? :S I am 'single and loving it!'... ;)

2. B – Best friend? that Fascist/Communist/Monarchist buddy of mine that I talked about on twitter... lol ;)

3. C – Cake or Pie? Chocolate Cake! :D

4. D – Drink of choice? I guess right now, It'd be Pineapple Juice! ;)

5. E – Essential item you use every day? haha need I answer this? the PC by far man! :D

6. F – Favorite color? Dark Blue and Sea Green

7. G – Gummy Bears Or Worms? haven't eaten either, I think! :D

8. H – Hometown? Colombo

9. I – Indulgence? Gaming? :D

10. J – January or February? hahaha August man! Kite season!!! :D

11. K – Kids & their names? it sure as hell ain't gonna be 'Albus Severus'! lol ;)

12. L – Life is incomplete without? my parents! :)

13. M – Marriage date? the day I give up my freedom! NOOOOOOOOO!!! :(

14. N – Number of siblings? nada! only child... :)

15. O – Oranges or Apples? (pine)apples? :D Avocados!!!

16. P – Phobias/Fears? heights and snakes... :|

17. Q – Quote for today? "Live and Let Live!" :)

18. R – Reason to smile? I dunno, I like smiling! I smile a lot! :S

19. S – Season? Rainy season? KITE SEASON!!! YAY! :D

29. T – Tag 3 People? open tag, as always! :)

21. U – Unknown fact about me? I was a monarchist too when I was 13! :O

22. V – Vegetable you don't like? Broccoli! *pukes*

23. W – Worst habit? my (slight?) evilness! :(

24. X – X-rays you've had? once... :|

25. Y – Your favorite food? Gotukola and Wattakka? :D

26. Z – Zodiac sign? Aquarius (and according to mom it justifies my laziness! lol) ;)

The Rules

1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share the ABCs of you.
4. Tag 3 people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5. Let the 3 tagged people know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
6. Do not tag the same person repeatedly but try to tag different people, so that there is a big network of bloggers doing this tag.


  1. Hehe you're afraid of snakes and yet you're nickname was Garandiya! Irony? =P

  2. @The Puppeteer: I only fear venomous snakes, but yeah, I get what you're saying! :S Irony much! :D :D

    Thanks for your comment! :)

  3. You're welcome.. ^__^

    Interesting facts Chavie.. and some of your answers sound familiar too.. =D BTW do you make those large and lengthy kites for the Kite season? Do post some pics next time.

    Didn't know you were an only child and is evil! O__O lol oh and you eat gotukola and wattakka together? =P

    PS: it's my first time hearing about Harry's son. thanks for the link.

  4. lol - the "gotukola and wattakka' thing cracked me up... until i realized i like em too. :/
    :P lol!

  5. I like brocolli..:)

    and your slight 'evilness'? yet to see that. =)

  6. Me too Aquarius :) (i mean according to vedic astrology not the western one)

  7. @Harumi: haha no I haven't flown one in a while... used to a lot when I was a bit younger though... :)

    I AM EVIL!!! MUHAHAHA! >;) yeah I love eating gotukola and wattakka anyday! ;)

    I didn't know you were into Harry Potter... :D and I think that's one of the most embarrassing names a kid can be given, in this day and age atleast! ;) lol

    @Blackie: haha who doesn't?! :D

    @Lady D: haha good for you! :D I never really liked steamed veges! :D

    oooh I am I am... I try to hide it but it's there, lurking beneath the surface! lol >;)

    @Kiri: yeah, I also put my Vedic one, my western one would be Virgo I think... :D

    Thanks for your comments guys! :)

  8. My favorite is your response to # 12 ! Very Sweet Chavie ! would make your parents soo happy to hear that !

  9. @MTC: haha! :D well, it's true... they're always there for me through thick and thin... and I love them to bits! :)

    Thanks for your comment MTC! :)

  10. no work u jobless monkey?

  11. you've been tagged again!

  12. And you've been tagged again -

  13. And you've been tagged again -

  14. @Su and Sig: thanks guys! did it! :D

  15. Really?

    The king of evil.. =P I kinda like playing evil too, esp. to the ones who deserve that kinda treatment. =D

    Cool.. and you know gotukola is good for the hair. Oh and I've watched most of HP movies (1-5 I think), couldn't buy the books yet *my budget has priorities you know* =D But I got down an ebook and um.. cuz of work and other pastimes read it only half way through. Anyway like everyone says, the book is dozen times more interesting than the movies.

    lol ya.. but it's just a fiction ne. oh but you could see worst names in kids these days, thanks to the eccentric naming service of Mr. A. and like Su once said, they are tongue twisters and not names! lol

  16. @Harumi: lol, but still you're playing evil no... I'm just plain 'Evil', with a capital E... a bad bad bad bad boy... :(

    Gotukola is known as the most important herb in Ayurveda because it's good effects are felt on all systems of our body and can cure a wide range of ailments... :D

    well, reading the PDF is as good as reading the book, but sorry to hear that you didn't find any time to read it... my advice is start from the first book, the first few chapters of which is sort of boring, but it gets much better after Hagrid pays the Dursley's a visit! :D I dunno whether it'll be a bit boring to read since you've seen the movie, but IMHO there's nothing that beats those books! :D

    lol, I read that post too!!! Su was so right, those are more tongue twisters than names! :D

  17. U like Gotukola and Wattakka??? *pukes* :P

    Nice post.

  18. @Cadence: why thank you! :D I didn't know that there were people who didn't like 'em though, lol! ;)
