The Tag
1. A – Available/Single? are they both the same? :S I am 'single and loving it!'... ;)
2. B – Best friend? that Fascist/Communist/Monarchist buddy of mine that I talked about on twitter... lol ;)
3. C – Cake or Pie? Chocolate Cake! :D
4. D – Drink of choice? I guess right now, It'd be Pineapple Juice! ;)
5. E – Essential item you use every day? haha need I answer this? the PC by far man! :D
6. F – Favorite color? Dark Blue and Sea Green
7. G – Gummy Bears Or Worms? haven't eaten either, I think! :D
8. H – Hometown? Colombo
9. I – Indulgence? Gaming? :D
10. J – January or February? hahaha August man! Kite season!!! :D
11. K – Kids & their names? it sure as hell ain't gonna be 'Albus Severus'! lol ;)
12. L – Life is incomplete without? my parents! :)
13. M – Marriage date? the day I give up my freedom! NOOOOOOOOO!!! :(
14. N – Number of siblings? nada! only child... :)
15. O – Oranges or Apples? (pine)apples? :D Avocados!!!
16. P – Phobias/Fears? heights and snakes... :|
17. Q – Quote for today? "Live and Let Live!" :)
18. R – Reason to smile? I dunno, I like smiling! I smile a lot! :S
19. S – Season? Rainy season? KITE SEASON!!! YAY! :D
29. T – Tag 3 People? open tag, as always! :)
21. U – Unknown fact about me? I was a monarchist too when I was 13! :O
22. V – Vegetable you don't like? Broccoli! *pukes*
23. W – Worst habit? my (slight?) evilness! :(
24. X – X-rays you've had? once... :|
25. Y – Your favorite food? Gotukola and Wattakka? :D
26. Z – Zodiac sign? Aquarius (and according to mom it justifies my laziness! lol) ;)
The Rules
1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share the ABCs of you.
4. Tag 3 people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5. Let the 3 tagged people know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
6. Do not tag the same person repeatedly but try to tag different people, so that there is a big network of bloggers doing this tag.