Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Goings on

This morning, noticed to my horror that a gecko had been totally flattened by the door. Idiot that I am, told Ammi. We had a big argument as to who was going to clean up. Both of us refused to budge, which automatically meant that I was there 2 minutes later, with pan and brush in hand. The corpse fell after a bit, but the tail refused to budge, even after multiple strokes with the brush! It was so spectacular that I would've posted pics, IF I hadn't almost thrown up... (thankfully I had an empty stomach at the moment, my kidneys still hurt from the experience)

Stupid geckos!

Ummm... During my time away from blogging, time I spent mostly at Computer class getting ready for the practical exam, I drank something for the first time, and it:
  1. It tasted god-awful (well actually worse than I thought it'd be... lol)
  2. It didn't give me the desired effect, won't ever BUY it! (just like dragonfruit, so!)
  3. Mom would've been furious if she knew I drank that... *shivers in fear*
  4. Made me go all hyperactive (think insanely throwing paperballs right in front of sir's face) and made me say the f-word out loud (in the middle of a class mind you!) four times after I drank it! :S
wanna guess what it was?

Little did I know that a week later my computer sir would accuse me of "confusing everybody else" because all the other retards had decided to use MY database for their exams. of course, non of them had the guts to stand up and say that they had taken the database from me (with my consent, but that doesn't really matter does it?) and were simply asking me for technical assistance. So poor old me ended up "nakadi pusi"... My friend told me that he had never seen sir meltdown like that, he was pretty much shouting at me at the top of his voice for a good 15 minutes. I still have my doubts that it all had something to do with the paperball incident... lol! :D

This post is kinda retarded because it's 3 useless posts abridged into 1 useless post. The first part happened today, I'm still feeling all puke-y! :(


  1. Oh neat! Was its tail still wiggling about??? =D

    My siblings are squeamish about that sort of thing (including my bro) So it's usually me to the rescue! From burring dead birds to relocating wandering frogs (they feel squishy in the palm of your hands... cute!)

  2. So sunquick comes in dragon fruit flavour? ;)

  3. @Meg you almost made me throw up with that question... no, it was dead for hours! thankfully! *pukes*

    I'm alright with yuckie stuff (I don't mind earthworms and stuff) but when their dead it's just *pukes again* :(

    @Maks I wouldn't have been able to hold a camera, my palms were feeling slippery! :(

    Nope, not sunquick, although that would also fit the criteria it wouldn't explain the hyperactivity. Wanna take another shot? I'll give you a hint: some people swear they can't do their jobs without it... ;)

  4. @Kirigalpoththa hahaha maaan, then I'd never never ever never ever buy it! :D

    btw, dragonfruit is not worth the money you spend on it... :D

  5. I once had to do the gecko thing... and my kitten rushed in and ate the tail... which was also pretty much squashed :S urrgh..

  6. @TSC hehe what a convenient cleanup! :D sickening innit? them and their rubbery flesh... yuck! :S

  7. I one trampled a ghecko. The poor thing splashed itself in all directions of the floor, like a suicide ghecko blasting itself :(

  8. @Just Chillin' - happened to me too, quite recently... The stain is still there on the floor, it was still wiggling when I threw it out of the house... :S

    Thanks for all the comments peeps! :)

  9. I wonder if I could have dinner tonight after reading all these comments here! lol

    RIP Mr. gecko.. =D

    About the drink.. how about Kitul toddy? =D

  10. nope... non-alcoholic... would be pretty much suicide to drink alcohol in front of a teacher no? ;)

    yes, may Mr. Gecko rest in peace... :(

  11. I did some design changes to my blog!

    Basically I got some design ideas from you..
    Hope you don't mind :)

  12. Heh he. You should’ve quietly left it to dry and fall off eventually.

    By the way, you are tagged:


  13. Thanks guys for the tag! I have replied. :D

    @Kirigalpoththa - I am flattered you liked my design so much! No I don't mind one bit... Thank you! :D

    @Serendib - Yes I should've... :( :D

  14. oh you drank it during the class and got hyper..? that's tough.. ok then how about an expired Milo milk pack?! lol

  15. not sure whether it was expired or not, but it did come in a can and it turns out you're 'supposed' to go hyper after you drink it... O.o

  16. geez.. ok one more guess and I give up! =D

    Was it VAM (or WAM) then? cuz my lil nephew was addicted to it some years back, and my sis once said it tasted like highly concentrated bee honey..! O_O prolly you can go hyper with that too.. =D

  17. You mean the Anchor Wam ya? That was yucky! They don't make it anymore I think... :D And yes, you can prolly go hyper with that... ;) lol

    And the correct answer is... RED BULL!! *tada* :D Tasted a bit like Elephant House tonic... :D Wouldn't drink it again, unless there's nothing else to drink and I'm stuck in the middle of the Sahara that is... hehe ;)
